Parrot Lovers Unite!
Wolfgang, a male cockatiel, enjoys a walk in the park
The Parrot Club of Manitoba is a non-profit organization that began in 1975 as a small group of parrot enthusiasts meeting at the University of Manitoba. With a growing membership over the years, we have changed our meeting places a few times, but for over a decade now our club has met at the Fort Rouge Leisure Centre, in South Osbourne. Though we meet in Winnipeg, the reach of our community goes beyond city limits, with many members joining us from all over the province.
What exactly is a Parrot Club, you might ask? We are 100% volunteer driven, with members committed to raising funds and celebrating our beloved feathered friends. Owning a parrot is certainly not a requirement to joining the club, but our members have either owned, currently own, or are looking to own a parrot. We meet every third Friday of the month with the exception of June and December, when our club celebrations take place instead. We have an executive board consisting of a President, Vice-President, Treasurer, and Secretary, elected annually in October. Every meeting consists of club business (financial reports, memberships, event planning, and so on), a prize raffle, a coffee break and treats, and for some meetings we enjoy special guests and workshops (toy making, treat recipe, etc.). And of course, birds are welcome!
In addition to bonding over our pets, we strive to educate both current and prospective parrot owners, as well as the general public in the proper care of parrots. To do this, we keep a collection of parrot-related literature in our library, not to mention the combined knowledge and experience of our members, some of whom have owned birds for as long as the club has been around. We also do outreach— our members organize displays that see them and their birds travel to pet expos, daycares, seniors’ homes, schools, and nature centres.
Why are we passionate about spreading parrot knowledge? Parrots are extraordinary creatures and display a great deal of fun, intelligence, and companionship. However, they are a unique pet, with a special set of challenges and required care. Unfortunately, there are many new owners who are bird-charmed and acquire a parrot without any proper research on its temperament or behaviour, only to discover that a parrot is a very demanding companion who needs plenty of attention. Depending on the breed of parrot, they can live between 10-80 years; this makes parrot ownership an incredible investment. Rehoming can be a traumatic experience for parrots, and yet avoidable with proper education.
As a result, rehoming has become an important part of our club, though we approach it as a last resort. Owners may need to surrender parrots for many reasons; a move, illness, or death are among the most common; behavioural issues can also sometimes leave an owner with few options. The needs of the bird are of the utmost importance, and our team will evaluate each situation to see if rehoming is the only viable solution.
If you are passionate about parrots, and would like to join, volunteer, or see what all the squawking is about, we encourage you to join us for a meeting, held every third Friday of the month, at 7:00 PM, via zoom. We look forward to seeing you there!